redesign of the cooking platform that features premium recipes from the top chefs, bloggers and nutritionists
Mealz is an open recipe sharing platform for healthy foodies. It empowers people from all over the world to discover and share delicious recipes & create digital cookbooks.
Sofia Fominova, Founder and CEO at Mealz

Product Designer

Full-stack developer, Project Manager
At the very beginning it was clear that the customer was dissatisfied with the current design and the overall project. The project lacked consistency and thoughtful solutions.
To rethink the entire project completely — from the corporate identity to the useful functionality for the users (food bloggers, readers, and admin).
The interest in the project increased by 15%. Bloggers have become more likely to come to cooperation, as well as large brands in the production of food additives, spices, and products.
Therefore, we decided to create a few concepts, which would help us to determine the style. So we have asked 150 users to choose their favourite style of landing page, as well as the design of the nutrition plan. The stress was made on a functionality. We found out that the concept with the orange buttons was the most popular among users.
Users also mentioned that if the buttons and lines were smoother, they would feel even better about it. So, we’ve changed it. We’ve also decided to change the background image. It used to be a marble table, but users tended to associate it with something too luxurious and unaffordable. Instead, we made a wooden background which reminds people of nice and cosy picnics, lunches at a village side, where the food seems to be more delicious.
Home Page
The main page used to look like Pinterest, but we’ve changed it as well. After the review of similar websites we came to a conclusion that it would be more helpful for the user if there were a recommendation and the best authors blocks presented on the main page. That way users would be able to pick up the best recipes.
Functional search by category of recipes and by ingredients
Users can quickly find the recipe, which fits their best in terms of their preferences and available ingredients.
Shopping list
No need for paste it notes anymore! User can mark all the needed groceries right in the app.
Articles with your design
Bloggers can create eye-catching articles using the wide range of text formatting tools.
Printing of the designed recipes and cookbooks
Users can create they own collection and print it out as a beautifully designed book.
Especially for developers, the guideline was created with all the basic elements to simplify interactions and avoid misunderstandings.
Social Media
Also, we’ve created templates for posts to promote the product on Instagram.